Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Elephanta Island

Elephanta Island is an hour’s boat ride away from downtown Bombay. On the island is a Hindu shrine, series of caves that are carved out of solid bedrock. The caves date back to the 8th century, and the island has been used as a stopping point for lots of different seafaring explorers over the centuries, so people have been going there for a long time..

The main attraction is the big cave at the top of the hill. You go up the 1km walkway, past the group of guys who offer to carry you up the hill in a chair, (odd) through a gauntlet of shills selling tourist crap (some of which I bought) to the sites.

I am acclimating to the prices here. The entrance fee at the top of the hill is 250 rps. I was scandalized at the price, man they really get you coming and going, don’t they. I was surprised that the guidebook hadn’t warned me. When I checked later, I did notice a note saying that the entrance fee was $5. But $5 doesn’t seem so bad; they actually charged me 250. . . oh, wait. Yeah, that is about $5. Ah. My wallet is going to have a rough homecoming, I think.

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