Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 5 Traffic got stopped while I was in the ric on my way to work. We all had to sit and wait while a small procession cut across traffic. It is hard to see in the picture. A bunch of horse drawn fairy tale carriages, all silver with pretty birds on the sides, and full of women in sparkly clothing, crossed the road, with lots of music and people walking alongside. It was really bizarre to hear celebration music and see a bunch of pretty carriages slogging across morning traffic on the dusty road.

I was going to go to a “puja,” a prayer service, tonight for Ganpati, but I got stuck at work and couldn’t go. Maybe I will be able to hit one later in the week.

On my walk home, I was drawn to a loud drum beat and people singing. There was a truck playing music on the side of the road, and some guys rhythmically beating on drums, and a bunch of other guys jumping and dancing around. They looked like they were having fun.


Anonymous said...

where's the elephants? Cassie

evelyn in taiwan said...

i know, that would have been cool! still, much to my relief, i havent seen too many of them in the city. they do not live happy lives inside cities.